i think the watchtower has learned its lesson from past mistakes..no blood..no vaccines etc.
dont rock the boat.
dont drive any more donations away.
a vaccine is here!!!
the light at the end of the tunnel is visible!!!
so what happened to armageddon?.
i think the watchtower has learned its lesson from past mistakes..no blood..no vaccines etc.
dont rock the boat.
dont drive any more donations away.
similar to the bethelites being dismissed topic for march/april 2020 is the article for april 5-11 related to the idea "if you just do what jw.org says....then someone is going to slide cash under your door and it will all be good related to your future finances" (link below).. i know current jws that believe this and have pimi family that believe this.
they believe these even though they have endlessly challenging finances even struggling to pay bills.
the reality is that anyone struggling financially as a jw is going to be in a state of poverty just trying to survive.
this is actually rather good. if no envelopes stuffed with cash comes under their door--it might just help some to wake up.
i would think that the first thing to go for ex jws is the blood ban.
would you take a transfusion or give blood now!.
i had to have an aortic aneruysm repaired and a stent installed in 2016. i was out cold for quite a while. i have no idea if blood was used. i didnt ask and i dont want to know.
i've been fine ever since.
as regards donating..i havent. i have had a lot of blood tests done--and i really dont like the experience.
i work at two separate hospitals and most of the rns i work with have stated they won't take the vaccine.
i've read a report that 1/3 of rns will refuse the vaccine.
for those in other countries do you see this being an issue or is it more an american phenomenon?.
his name is actually Matt Hancock. .not Hand Cock
although--cum to think of it--your probably right.
He reminds me of Bluebottle--in the Goon show
actually no one does.. i know this is a concept that can be hard for some to grasp, considering all other forms of organizations like sole proprietorship, general partnership, an llc, or a for profit corporation.
these organizations are created legally for the simple purpose of making a profit.. but unlike a for profit corporation,---- a nonprofit corporation is formed to carry out-.
whether that be religious, educational, charitable, scientific or other qualifying purpose.
i think i read some years back--on here maybe-?--Russell ( ?) issued shares. So who holds those shares now ?
i don't think that it is too early to wish everyone a merry christmas and invite you all to join with me in sending festive greetings to everyone .
jan .
merry christmas Jan---by weird coincidence facebook posted your page to mine as a friend suggestion. i saw several of your friends i know.
the watchtower—study edition | july 2020.
6. the first-century disciples built their faith on their knowledge of the scriptures and the teachings of jesus christ, that is, “the truth of the good news.” (gal.
2:5) this truth consists of the whole body of christian teachings, including the facts about jesus’ ransom sacrifice and his resurrection.
is this the current truth--the latest truth--or the new truth ?
or even the overlapping truth?
i work at two separate hospitals and most of the rns i work with have stated they won't take the vaccine.
i've read a report that 1/3 of rns will refuse the vaccine.
for those in other countries do you see this being an issue or is it more an american phenomenon?.
here in the UK the vaccine is being rolled out amongst the elderly care home residents first. Are they being used as guinea pigs ?
i need some advise or understanding.. my brother became jehovah witness because of his wife.
our dad is dying and over the last two months he’s done some very weird stuff.. my family knows he’s not a real witness because he sells corn liquor and pills, drinks daily, let us have our moms birthday at their house.
he’s also committed adultery, it’s rumored that he molested our cousin when he was younger, done fraud to my dying dad, lied about being our dads poa for greed only to find out he’s not, lied to the family about his estranged daughters, called his oldest daughter a b*tch because she doesn’t want anything to do with him, lied on our dads life to her to get her to talk to him, he has the name nympho tattooed on his neck, has slandered his immediate family and abandoned two of his daughters for over 20 years to start a family with his new wife.
Sounds like the typical witness family.
ha ha--i only just saw that reply..brilliant.
saw this article today and pleased to see the information presented.
it does not mention the borg which is good in that it would not turn off any dubs that might come across it.
the info is not new to us on the forum but any loyal dubs that read it might identify with the action of a cult and start to think (i would hope).
it was the Daily Mail ( UK ) that had a center page spread telling the story of Rachel Underhill--and her internet site ex jw reunited --back in about 2010 that first introduced me to this whole new world of ex jw apostates..then i found this site. Lifes gone downhill ever since.